Part I: Passing the Quality Test: How Biological Indicators Hardwire Safety & Efficiency in the OR & SPD

Ben Fryer and Melanie Perry as they discuss the revolution of biological indicators and process challenge devices in both the speed at which their results can be read, as well as the how they are used in the Operating Room & Sterile Processing workflows.

  • Define biological indicators (BIs) and their role in sterility assurance.
  • Review the history of BI technology and the current trends in the industry.
  • Identify the impact of sterility assurance programs in the Operating Room.
  • Provide practical strategies for improved collaboration between Sterile Processing and the Operating Room.

Part II: An Ounce of Prevention: The Real Impact of Sterilization Quality Assurance

Sterility assurance products, and biological indicators (BIs) in particular, are preventative in nature: they exist to prevent an event of unsterile instruments being used for surgery. But just how valuable are sterility assurance products? Does a robust quality assurance program add value to the organization and impact the bottom line of patient safety? Join Chad Nielsen as he covers the below topics.

  • Explore the value of biological indicators (BIs) in preventing surgical site infections (SSIs).
  • Highlight the true cost of surgical site infections.
  • Outline the role Infection Preventionists play in a hospital’s sterility assurance program.
  • Provide practical strategies for improved collaboration between Sterile Processing and Infection Preventionists.

Part III: BI Best Practices from A to Z: Sterilizer Quality Assurance from Beginning to End

Biological indicators impact Sterile Processing professionals in a lot of ways when it comes to reassurance, confidence, and compliance. During this session, Misty Dillon will examine how monitoring every low temperature sterilizer load positively affects SPD processes.

  • Examine how monitoring every sterilizer load positively affects SPD processes.
  • Outline myths, mistakes, and best practices for biological indicators (BIs) and sterilizer load recalls.
  • Provide tangible strategies for hardwiring excellence in a sterilization quality assurance program.

Meet the Speakers

Benjamin Fryer

Benjamin Fryer

Principal Scientist, Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP)

Melanie Perry

Melanie Perry, BSN, RN, CNOR

Founder The Circulating Life

Chad Neilsen

Chad D Neilsen, MPH, CIC, FAPIC

Director of Accreditation & Infection Prevention UF Health Jacksonville

Misty G. Dillon

Misty G. Dillon, BS, MLS (ASCP), CIC, CSPDT, CCH

Manager for Medical Instrumentation Sterile Processing Novant Health

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