Celebrate with Us!

For 30 years, our STERRAD™ Systems have been at the forefront of medical device sterilization. That’s over three decades of relentless dedication to innovation. 

From our first STERRAD™ System to our current STERRAD™ System with ALLClear™ Technology our evolution has been driven by understanding and fulfilling the evolving needs of our customers. We’ve grown with you, adapting to the changes and requirements in medical device sterilization.


Our history of innovations that have not just kept pace with the times but have anticipated and shaped the future of medical device sterilization.

Beyond products, we’ve built a community—a group of supporters and partners who have contributed to our success. Our goal is to make a difference in healthcare and patients lives.

The celebration of 30 years isn’t just about the past; it’s a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement and a promise to continue our mission to protect patients during their most critical moments.

Join us in celebrating this milestone—a celebration not just of our products, but the journey we’ve embarked on with you. Together, let’s honor the past, celebrate the present, and pave the way for an even more exciting future!

Three-Decades of STERRAD™ Systems Stories – hear what our loyal community had to say:

Join Us in Celebrating

30 Years of STERRAD™ Systems

We invite you to join us in celebrating our legacy by sharing your STERRAD™ Systems story. Tag Advanced Sterilization Products and use #30YearsOfSterrad in social media, or fill out our form.

Celebrating Dedication to Patient Safety with ASP’s Inaugural STERRAD™ Systems Legacy Award

Congratulations to Gene Ricupito

Congratulations to Gene Ricupito!

We are honored to present the first STERRAD™ Systems Legacy Award. This award holds special significance as it is a testament to the enduring partnerships and commitment of our longstanding customers to ASP, our mission, and our STERRAD™ Systems.

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Celebrating Commitment:

This award recognizes our customers who have been dedicated to ASP and STERRAD™ Systems for over a decade. Their loyalty and commitment have played a pivotal role in shaping the success and impact of our sterilization solutions.

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Dedication and Passion to ASP & Patient Safety:

At the heart of this award is a commitment to and passion to our mission - protecting patients during their most critical moments. They have demonstrated exceptional dedication to maintaining the highest standards of sterilization and have been a driving force behind our continuous improvement.

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Recognition of Loyalty:

This award acknowledges and celebrates the loyalty of our customers who have stood by us through the years, and their trust is a source of inspiration for us all.

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A Legacy of Service:

The STERRAD™ Systems Legacy Award not only recognizes the past but also looks forward to the future. It is a celebration of a legacy of service that extends beyond and leaves a mark on the community they serve.

Reach out to us for more information about ASP Solutions.

The testimonials contained in these materials are not intended, nor should they be construed, as claims that the products or services described in these materials can be used to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent, or otherwise be used for any disease or medical condition.
