Manual Cleaning

The cleaning process begins at the point of use because soils are more challenging to remove after they have dried.1 Prior to high-level disinfection and sterilization, the surfaces of the instruments must be thoroughly cleaned. Organic and inorganic residue reduces the efficiency of high-level disinfection and sterilization. Therefore, the surfaces of instruments must be thoroughly cleaned prior to these procedures. Cleaning involves removing foreign material (e.g., soil, and organic material) from instruments and is typically done with water and detergents or enzymatic products (e.g., CIDEZYME™ Enzymatic Detergent Solution or CIDEZYME™ XTRA Multi-Enzymatic Detergent).2

Two Essential Manual Cleaning Components:


Friction (e.g., rubbing/scrubbing the soiled area with a brush) is an old and dependable method2


Fluidics (i.e., fluids under pressure) is used to remove soil and debris from internal channels after brushing and when the design does not allow passage of a brush through a channel2


Friction (e.g., rubbing/scrubbing the soiled area with a brush) is an old and dependable method2


Fluidics (i.e., fluids under pressure) is used to remove soil and debris from internal channels after brushing and when the design does not allow passage of a brush through a channel2


Manual high-level disinfection is for reprocessing heat-sensitive reusable semi-critical medical devices that are to be used on humans, for which sterilization is not feasible.

Choose a high-level disinfectant with the level of antimicrobial activity that is appropriate for the reusable device (e.g., CIDEX® OPA Solution*). Follow the reusable device labeling and instructions for use.

In the absence of complete instructions, use the following process:


First, for patient-contacting devices, determine whether the reusable device to be reprocessed is a critical or semi-critical device


Second, determine if sterilization or high-level disinfection is required.


Third, for high-level disinfection, select a disinfectant labeled for the appropriate disinfectant level and compatibility with the reusable device.


  1. ANSI/AAMI ST91:[2021] Flexible and semi-rigid endoscope processing in Health Care Facilities. 7.1; p. 29

  2. CDC Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities: [2019] p.37

*This product is not a sterilant. Ensure adequate ventilation and wear the appropriate PPE. Please refer to the CIDEX® OPA Solution instructions for use for additional information.

This guide is not intended to replace the Instructions for Use (IFU). Prior to use, read and follow the full IFU as the featured steps may not include the complete steps of the procedure. Individual surgeon preference and experience, as well as patient needs, should always dictate variation in procedure steps.
